Escape From Tarkov Factory Map - Loot and extraction points

Escape From Tarkov may be the most exciting game for lots of players that love MMO firefights involving fast-paced actions, intense maps with lots of areas to explore, spawns and extractions and a big number of features we could spend all day talking about.
Battlestate Games has in Escape From Tarkov a rich game they have developed in order to keep players engaged and hooked, even if they only watch Youtube videos to see what other players are doing to know the locations of this dangerous place.
That’s the reason we made this guide about factory premises. Escape from Tarkov is a rich, complicated game. Everyone could use an article full of tips in order to know, like the palm of their hand, a special site full of interesting locations where they can loot, face scavs and campers, hide in the woods, search in tunnels and dangerous lines, find a bunker door, carry out operatives, use callouts, look for extraction points, numerous exits, hidden places and more. We are talking about Escape From Tarkov Factory Map.
If you are new to this game, we suggest you check our guides we have in our web page to learn about the other maps, but first we are going to share this little content and some details with you before we move to the factory part.
What is Escape from Tarkov?
Escape From Tarkov is a game based on a simple thing: loot like crazy in order to get amazing weapons, armor spawn, and one or another item, which spawn everywhere are used to escape, as the name says, from the assault site. This is not as easy as it sounds. You will be part of a faction. You have to avoid other players trying to get rid of you. If you die, you lose everything you have, so if you want to achieve a successful extraction, you must look for an exit to escape. This is called an extraction point, you will find many of them on the map, and they will work differently.
Some of them will open just at specific times, or with a specific amount of players, others will cost you rubles, others are always open, but you have to wait once you make the callouts, and others work with special keys, like the factory exit key. Extractions are one of the most important part of the game because it doesn’t matter if you get awesome stuff. If you die on the map, you lose everything.
There are different maps in EFT. All of them have different features, customs and extracts. You can play as a part of the PMCs or be simply a SCAV, this will change some things, but the idea is the same: look for interesting points around you, get the best weapon you can, look for the exit and Escape From Tarkov.
It’s time to cut to the chase to this Escape From Tarkov Factory Map guide, so take note on the next paragraphs because all the entire information there will help you survive through this hard land and know the site like scavs do.
The Factory Map is the first location that was added to the EFT. Also, it is really small in comparison to other maps of the game. It can have four to six players depending on the time. You won’t find any bosses and the duration of a match is from twenty to twenty-five minutes.
About EFT factory map
We are talking of the Factory number 16, a place that now works as a shelter for civilians and also has the occasional USEC and BEAR operators. This factory was in the top in order to control the industrial district in Tarkov. In addition, this place have underground tunnels that smell pestily and overhead catwalks, from which you have excellent views of the zone. EFT Factory map is a very vertical map.
There are three keys on this map: the first and the most important is the factory exit key, this will help you loot a jacket and some other interesting things you will find. This factory key will help you when you reach Cellars and Gate 0 extraction points. You won’t be able to escape if you don’t have it. Factory exit key can be found on death scavs.
The second and third keys will help you gather interesting items. Keep your eyes on the floor of Escape From Tarkov Factory Map if you want to find them -look in the changing rooms, near the office window and gate 3. Find the first of these keys is one of the requirements to unlock the Pumping Station area.
Extraction points
The map extraction points are 5 and they are spread through the factory. In this guide, we will report to you the specific location.
Camera bunker door - Located on the underground of the Tarkov factory, on the right side of the map. Tunnels will be really useful if you want to get there.
Cellars - Another underground location of this factory. To find this extraction point, you should go to your left and then north. It works for everybody, scavs, and PMCs, but is one of the map extraction points that needs a key.
Gate 0 - Located on the south part of the map. This Escape From Tarkov extraction point is locked. This extraction is one of the few on the factory map that requires a key.
Gate 3 - If you walk straight through the factory map, very close to the northwest corner, you will find Gate 3, another of the extractions on the factory. The only comment we can give you is to check all the things to loot on the floor you will find on your way as a PMC.
Office window - You will find it on floor two of the factory. There are tons of things in this Escape From Tarkov spot. One of the best tips this guide can give you is to look for the 3B body armor located in Foreman's office. It works for any player, it doesn't matter if they are PMCs or scavs.
These are the extractions you will find inside this map. This Battlestate games title has earned hundreds of fans since its release thanks to the intensity it has, especially in this factory surrounded by death. Stay tuned for the lastest update for more surprises.
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Now that you learn about all the factory extractions in this guide, are you ready to survive?
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