Buy GW2 Gold

Have you ever wondered what is the quickest and most safe way to get rich at Guild Wars 2 quickly? You can get as much gold as you need almost instantly by buying it from the SellersAndFriends website. We are a reliable source of in-game currency as our suppliers are the best gold farmers in the game. Every coin which arrives within our market is previously checked. We are always making every security step that we can to inspect our suppliers and to ensure that all gold in our stock comes from the property of their respective owners and honest work. There are no bot farms involved, so you can always feel safe while buying Guild Wars 2 gold through SellersAndFriends.
On top of that every order comes with a special bonus at a fast delivery time and a low price. All of that makes us the best possible offer that you can find to buy GW2 gold option. Become a customer at our company store, select from over 200 payment options, enjoy a secure way of purchasing GW2 gold, and become better than ever at your game.
Step by step insight on how to buy cheap Guild Wars 2 gold
- Choose the amount of gold that you need or type how much money you want to spend.
- Select which payment method you want to use.
- Check the contact form and make sure that all fields are correct.
- Look at the information provided at the order preview to make sure that everything is ok.
- Wait for our Live Agent to contact you and take through the rest of the transaction.
GW2 Gold - What can you expect from SellersAndFriends services
Delivery of your goods in under 120 seconds! Fastest delivery times of the market are the result of our constant hard work. We are working for 18 hours each day of the week to bring you the best possible services. During that time, you can be sure to get your goods almost instantly. Outside of our business hours, we can guarantee that you will get what you have ordered before 24 hours. It applies to deliveries in *both EU and NA region servers.
Earn more through SellersAndFriends! To all transactions we add an exclusive 1% bonus. You don't have to do anything. No codes, no referrals, no links - registration of an account is enough to enjoy this small gift from us. If you want to earn hiher discount, improve it even up to a 5% by high value trades made in the future. Those of you who don't have an account will still get the bonus as with your first purchase we will make one for you.
We are putting a high emphasis on the safety of our users. All security measures have been taken to ensure that all gold found at our sites is hand farmed by players with their own accounts and real work. We are not using any gold from bot farmers and cheaters, and because of that, we are a reliable source of gold GW2. No other site provides that low prices for legal currency.
Protect your account login data at all times, as there are a lot of hackers waiting for unaware victims to steal more than just an in-game gold coins. Keep your email address, password, Skype ID, names, and other account details away from those illicit, bad guys. When buying power-leveling or boosting, make sure to trade with a legit, viable seller. In case of ID theft, we may not be able to provide the refund. We value your comfort, which is why want to keep you safe from scams.
Our Live Chat is supported by a team of professionals who can provide advice at any given time. They are always online, so make sure to leave them a message if you feel concerned about anything site or market-related. Your requests will be treated with high priority and all seriousness. Please stick to english language, while talking to support.
Why you should choose SellersAndFriends to buy GW2 Gold
We have been in the market for a long time. We know that the safety of our users is the key to improve the number of satisfied customers. Because of that, we are making all efforts to improve our products and services in that category, so that our wares are not incomplete or disappointing. Hundreds of testimonials are a strong proof of our qualisty and trustworthiness. On our platform, you won't be able to find currency made by bot farmers and cheaters. Instead, we offer gold made by honest players who have spent their own time to bring you the best available product. Tons of people from around the world have already trusted us. Join them and become our next satisfied seller or buyer, just like thousands of others.
Thanks to the cooperation with G2A PAY, we can not only guarantee the necessary GW2 gold buy transactions security, but also the service in your native language (20 most widespread languages). With more than 200 payment options and latest technology, there is no risk of being separated from our wares.
What is Guild Wars 2?
It is an online MMORPG game created by ArenaNet in August 2012. This title is the continuation of the original Guild Wars from 2005. There are five races and nine classes to choose from, giving the player a wide variety of choices in the character creation. Dynamic events and quick action are some of the key features of GW2. After its release, it became one of the biggest online games in the world, and it is up to this day. The majority of gamers say that they choose Neverwinter for PvE, and GW2 for PvP, but we will let you decide which one suits you better. After all - it's a matter of your personal acceptance.
Make sure to visit our seller friends at MMOAuctions (all rights reserved). Outside of guides, articles, and news, they have many great items and wares as well, namely, LoL division boosting, WoW dungeons boosting, ArcheAge accounts. It's a seller-friendly platform charging you no fees for trading regardless of circumstances.
How to make money in GW2?
Gold coins are small keys opening many gates in life, no wonder it's a fundamental resource in games too. To get wealth in Tyria and fill your pockets with gold coins you'll need a tiny bit more than a cave and a magic password, like Ali Baba did. It'll take you smore more time, but it will be less risky, than robbing 40 bandits. Hereby we present you with a couple of gold making methods in Guild Wars 2.
1. Daily - as the name suggests, it should be done regularly each day. Consistency is key here. Doing it repeatedly will not make you millions of gold in few clicks, like here at Sellers and Friends, but with time it will make a nice addition to your wallet.
2. Raids - gather your ascended armor asap, and bring a hefty stock of patience with you, as this excercise is mentally demanding and devastating.
3. Trading Post - whenever there is a trading market in an MMORPG, there will be a possibility to grab an additional gold coins, silver, or whatever the currency is. It requires knowledge, patience, time, but once you fully grasp the ins and outs of flipping, your gold stock rewards will be surprising.
4. Karma - it's an account-based currency not meant to be traded, which gives a lot of good loot. Never pass on an opportunity to farm a karma.
5. Luck - you get it whenever you salvage an item. Luck is impacting the quality of each drop. The value will add up over the course of time.
6. Nodes - you receive nodes in your home instance for particular activities. Keep an eye on them, as they may bring some extra benefits.
7. Grind - in every MMO a pure grind is always an option of making gold. The most popular methods are:
- bounty trains - it's one of the best and most straightforward ways of making coins. You just run around with the party, killing all that moves,
- Domain of Istan - Path of Fire campaign is required. This location is perfect for farming Karma,
- the Silverwastes - there is a gold-bringing event every once in a while. There is no reason not to attend to.
It's not an impressive loot, but definitely these are things offering more fun than wood cutting in OSRS, for instance.
Did we miss something? Like gear or tools crafting professions maybe? That's right, we missed it, or, should we say, we didn't include it, cause we do not consider professions system in GW2 worth it. When you come to a place to level up your skills and professions, it will cost you gold, most of the time, instead of giving profit in coins. It's because whatever you are leveling, the initial levels up until the skills experience breaking point of 400 are dull and meaningless. Everybody does it, filling the Trading Post with trash items, useless equipment, that no one needs and no one buys. In some cases you need to spend gold to buy materials without any hopes for profit. It's sad, but that's a fact. Professions in GW2 are definitely not a money maker system in Tyria, so if you want cash, you should go elsewhere.
How to get gems in Guild Wars 2?
Gems, among others, are also a popular currency in GW2. You can obtain them by:
- purchasing for real money,
- via Black Lion Trading Company (Gem Store tab),
- currency exchange - allows to swap coins for gems,
- achievements - you get 400 gems for every 5k achievements points.
With all this knowledge you should be well-equipped to get the best gear in Tyria, crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women. If you don't have life or will to grind for gold coins, buy them here, and boost your GW2 characters right away.
Make sure to check other games, if you don't need a Albion Online Silver, Lineage 2 Adena, or PoE orbs. You will notice that you have access to all the most popular games currencies here.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How to buy Guild Wars 2?
At Guild Wars 2 for sale section on game selling websites.
How can I earn more?
You will receive a 1% bonus since your first purchase, and you can improve it by buying more and more often. For bulk buy orders, contact us via customer support.
Where can I sign up?
Select the register button at the top of the page or fill the contact form on your first purchase with correct contact details, mail, etc.