Buy EFT Roubles

Read Description before purchasing:
Battlestate Games did a great job, developing a game like the Escape from Tarkov. After many misunderstandings, disappointments with the popularity of looter shooters growing, Escape from Tarkov has a high chance of becoming one of the most iconic first-person, story-driven shooter titles in the modern era online gaming. It is why you may need a reliable cheap EFT Roubles supplier - like Sellers and Friends. So if you want to buy EFT Roubles, you couldn't have hit better!
Patch 0.12.11 - to receive the EFT RUB through FLEA Market you have to:
- Be least level 20!! (not lv10 anymore, must be lv 20!)
- Have a minimum of 150k RUB in inventory
- a set of ITEMS FOUND IN RAID in inventory that u can use to set them on FLEA MARKET and sell for an overpriced value - we buy these items to deliver RUBs to you.
We DO NOT (DON'T) COVER THE FLEA FEES - from path 0.12.11 we are not covering fees anymore BUT the price will be lower than usual :-)
You can put any items you want. Just pay attention to the fees to not overpay!
If you got any questions regarding the method, ask our Sales Agent on Livechat before purchasing!
If you're new to EFT, we got a list of recommended items - ask our Agent on Livechat.
Over 200+ payments
ZEN PAY is the very reason why the payment becomes the pleasure, not pain. It offers more than 200 payment methods (including credit card), delivery to over 170 countries, 80 different currencies (along with credit card), as well as support for more than 20 local languages, not only english. You will enjoy spending your money.
How to buy Escape from Tarkov Roubles?
Want to buy eft roubles? It is simple! Just follow these few steps:
- Please make sure you are at least level 20 and 150k RUB in inventory and ITEMS FOUND IN RAID that you will SELL for a overpriced value in RUB to receive the EFT RUB through FLEA Market (changed at patch 0.12.11 after WIPE!!) Keep in mind that we DON'T (DO NOT) cover the Flea FEE anymore from path 0.12.11)
- Select how many EFT Roubles (Escape From Tarkov Roubles) you wish to buy; alternatively, the amount of USD you'd like to spend
- Choose the payment method
- Fill in the boxes with your contact data
- Check twice if everything in your shopping cart is correct
- If so, proceed with the payment
- As soon as the payment is through, our Live Agent will contact you to close the transaction.
Now all left for you to do is await your product.
You will not wait for days or even hours. We deliver the currency bought as fast as possible - mostly, in less than two minutes if we're online. And we are online for 18 hours a day. It is because we have the Live Stock system, which shows you exactly how much of the desired currency we have in the store. And besides that, we also cover in full the in-game fee!
For every transaction, you will receive something extra since the very beginning. Initially, it's 1% bonus for all trades growing up to a maximum of 5% without events. Not only can you trade your EFT Roubles effectively, but you can also collect a neat stash of extra money.
Safety is by far the crucial thing in the online business and trading. It is why we care a lot about allowing you to feel comfortable and secure on our website. Over the years, we have collected hundreds of positive reviews on TrustPilot, Facebook, and others. You can check it for yourself anytime.
In case you need help, we are happy to oblige. There is Live Chat support, where our staff will ask you if everything is fine with your Escape from Tarkov in-game currency trade. If it's not, they will make it so. Fill in your shopping cart, complete the payment, and ask them to finish the transaction.
What do I need Escape from Tarkov Roubles for?
In reality destroyed by the massive political conflict, usually, the local currency takes the leading role. This way, in Norvinsk region located in Russia, the EFT Roubles are the basic money. In a post-war reality, money is not that big of a deal, and barter is more reliable, but in the case of Escape from Tarkov, the importance of the currency is kept.
Escape from Tarkov Roubles are set to be the most widespread and accessible currency of all, are used pretty much for every trade. You can buy weapons, clips, magazines, clothes, gear, insurance, even exchange them for Dollars. The only thing you can't buy for EFT Roubles are Euros, which can be looted, quested, or bought from a seller like Sellers and Friends.
Time is Roubles
Escape from Tarkov is not about going to the abandoned Goshan or IDEA and filling the shopping cart, that no one will demand due for. It's about going in, filling your pockets and the backpack, and extracting. If you know where to go, and where not to, which areas are free and which are contested, you should be done in 10-15 minutes.
Keys are key
There are locations (like "Azure Coast") that investing few Escape from Tarkov Roubles in keys might bring you a lot of pricey loot for sale. However, they are expensive, most of the time, and losing such a precious item can hurt. It is why you should think twice when in the seller menu, whether you want to go for closed, profitable rooms, or give it a pass.
You can also make money by not losing money. If you are a scaredy-cat, you can invest in an insurance policy. The thing works in a form of a policy, that if you are on a raid and you die, some of your gear and loot will not be taken away, and you'll get a sort of a refund. Although it's not guaranteed, and most of the time, only items that have not been looted are safe.
SCAVs or PMCs?
It is the question that many players are asking nowadays. Should I join a private military company or scavengers? The answer is that you can strike two birds with one stone if you do it smartly.
Scavengers and PMCs are two opposing factions. The former are typical criminal bands that are formed in the circumstances of law enforcement not working well. The latter are the remnants of mercenaries hired by two factions fighting in the corporate conflict. Whenever you go for a raid, you rather want to avoid other characters. If they are PMCs players, they will want to engage you, kill you, take your belongings, and use them or list them for sale. If they are Scavengers, they can be an in-game AIs or also players doing scav runs. Both options are bad for you. Regular Scavs will attack on sight. Player Scavs can act as a regular Scav and harm you as well. Either way, you're not safe.
In a regular raid, you have the comfort of taking whatever the gear you like with you. If you wish to go in with only a Makarov and a simple bag to grab as much as you can and flee - you are free to do so. Although, when you die, you can lose everything except for the items that are in the secure case.
In a scav run, you spawn in different points, and you are free to walk among other Scavengers not bothered. Be careful, as other Scav players can see through your disguise and take their chances against you. Your starting items are random. Usually, it's a pistol or a shotgun, although sometimes it can be the AK. Scav runs, most of the time, are safer but less profitable. Also, there is a cooldown. It can be reduced, but you need to finish the quests for it.
So if you are still asking yourself if you should do the PMC raid or Scav run, the answer is - do both. There is no point in restraining yourself only for one type of a raid.
Other Escape from Tarkov tips to make a lot of Roubles
- The Therapist has the best prices for goods that she likes to purchase (gold necklace e. g.). There will be no better buyer, so you should become her top seller.
- A hundred raids per day do not guarantee a high return, even when the quantity and quality of in-game loot are top-notch. To maximize the return, you should focus on using item that you already have, instead of buying it each time you go search for loot,
- Usually, the seller who trades particular item can guarantee you the best price for specific loot. As such, selling clothes to Ragman, or western gear to Peacekeeper is better idea, than to push everything to the Mechanic,
- Running less popular locations will make you more EFT Roubles, than going for contested zones. Remember, time is a resource as well. It's better to do six decent runs in an hour than do one good and die five times,
- Having a well-known path to the farming place is a good thing, that results in tons of Escape From Tarkov Roubles. Experience and comfort can be crucial,
With these tips, you should quickly become the wealthiest Roubles-maker on the server.
Once you're done in Tarkov, escape to reality. That will be the ultimate escape from Tarkov, and it can save your life for real because if you don't do it, the game will suck you in for good. The game is way too good to remain online for too long. Go to the menu, log out, leave your account for a while, take some fresh air. It will help you after hours and days of looting and shooting people.
And once you create an enviable wealth worth billions of Escape From Tarkov roubles, please, you can sell all of it at our market. We are a reliable seller, being present online for years now, so we're not going to be out of service. With our bonus, your net return will skyrocket, and you will never regret choosing Escape from Tarkov from all of these games. Who would have thought that having fun can one day make you some neat Euros and Dollars cash? And we don't mean the in-game currency.
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