Conqueror's Blade classes - which weapon will be the best for you?

Conqueror's Blade Classes
What would be an MMORPG game with only one available class? How long would it last on the heavily competitive online gaming market? Probably not long. People hate stagnancy and monotony. Every player wants to customize their character according to their will and preference. The variety is crucial, even if the only thing that's changing is the gun in your hand.
In Conqueror's Blade, the developers, Booming Games, didn't break this pattern. We have a few classes based on the weapons they use. And so we can play with a halberdier, Japanese swordsman, a bowman, or a classic knight with a longsword and shield. Different classes have different abilities, weak and strong sides, and whole another playstyle, matching their purpose. Don't expect the bowman to step deep into enemy troops, or a halberdier to fight from afar.
Using classes to their fullest potential will be a crucial thing for you to understand in terms of field battles, sieges, and overall gameplay.
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What are the classes in Conqueror's Blade?
First and foremost, we'd like to point out the fact that it is a place in the game, where medieval standards are slightly off and leaning towards something more similar to Amazones tribe. Female characters are allowed to become a warlord, command an army, and participate in the game's events instead of just getting wooed, betrothed, married, and pregnant. It's awesome, because even for male gamers playing as a woman is exceptionally satisfying, and the time when your Dual Blade lass one-shots the enemy Archer is extremely enjoyable.
There are classes available only to male characters, and those reserved for female ones, which we'll gladly point out.
Longsword & Shield
Among two classes with shields, it's the one more durable, dealing higher damage than its counterpart for a price of mobility. Longsword and Shield somewhat sits in the middle of everything in terms of pure damage, utility, fun, reach, battle, etc. It's a great, all-rounded class that you can't go wrong with. This one is recommended for the beginners, as it's rather simple to play, and forgiving. If it's your first approach to the Conqueror's Blade, and you're undecided, it's probably the way for you to go.
Disorientation - regenerates 1% of your HP every 3 seconds.
Common Skills:
With Valour - two quick hits, with level 2 of the skill dealing more damage, and rank 3 giving a kick that knocks enemies down.
Shield Bash - hero strikes the enemy twice with his shield, with special effects: 1 - stun recovery, 2 - decreasing enemy block value, 3 - knockback.
Paladin - wide arcing sword swing dealing slash damage with slow and increased damage at a higher level.
Martial Prowess - you attack enemies, and at the same time, defend from their attacks. With extra effects, you can recover a percentage of your health and reduce the incoming damage.
Mercy of Heaven - gives you health regen, with extra effects of regaining 10% HP instantly, and providing healing for allies.
Knightly Vows - increases your movement, as well as allies' movement on higher ranks.
Paragon Skills:
Sally Forth - charges forward dealing damage. You can also bash your enemy with a shield, stab them, or recover from stun.
Clash of Shields - it's a powerful attack with a strong knockback effect.
Male only with heaviest armor and heaviest hits. Some say this class is a no brainer in Conqueror's Blade. You go in wearing heavy plate armor and a two-mile-long partisan, swinging around, reaping enemies like wheat crops. In theory, such play style requires little to no skill and strategic genius, and it should get you through the initial stages of the game. However, later on, when better heroes become more common, you will struggle against fast, low-damage, high mobility enemies like Shortsword or Short bow. You will be kited like crazy, and they will slowly but surely chip away your health bar. Then, you will realize that even running away may be hard if you're wearing fifty-pound armor.
The Poleaxe is recommended for players who intend to go into the fray and wipe the enemy AI soldier. In a duel, they will get outmatched. This class will prove to be great in defending during the siege with narrow corridors and bridges, and storming infantry. The class falls off later on when AI becomes less and less relevant, and it's more about the heroes.
Every second normal strike will apply slashing damage, and the third attack will inflict blunt damage and forth strike - piercing damage.
Common Skills:
Halberdier's Thrust - as the name suggests. The hero thrusts their weapon dealing damage. If pressed twice, the character steps forward into the attack. At level 3, there is a chance to inflict bleeding wounds.
Bec de Corbin - a horizontal swing dealing a slash, AoE damage. Pressing twice and three times charges more swings. This ability usually wipes the AI soldiers.
Push Back - with previous ability, this one is a staple in the Poleaxe class combo. It pushes the enemies back with a chance of knocking them down.
The Old Billhook - hooks the enemy and drags him towards you. It's very useful if you manage to land this on the enemy hero.
Weapon Dance - hit the ground with the haft of your poleaxe, dealing blunt damage. Additional effects are that you reduce the enemies' max HP, and you can use this ability while stunned or unconscious.
Grim Harvest - a thrust to the enemy abdomen (slash damage). Pressing twice adds more power. There is a chance of an extra effect to recover from stun, and also stun the enemy.
Paragons Skills:
Rough Justice - a combo of thrust into the guts, followed by a knockdown kick, and a downstroke, dealing colossal amounts of damage.
Lochaber Strike - a powerful hit, knocking enemies to the ground with massive damage. Also, it dismounts the opponent and recovers the character from a stun. As Conqueror's Blade is mostly about the PvP, and crowd control is king in PvP, you may want to conserve this skill for escaping the dire situation, instead of dealing damage.
Male only. This one is very peculiar if you're into jousting and charging on the horse. However, the class pays for it with a mediocre performance on the ground. The class shines in the Field battles, but it's not that great in terms of a castle siege. Don't go too far with the charge. Your mount is not a twelve-tone truck, that would ride through the infantry without any resistance. Your charge can handle a few opponents, but running into a large swarm of swordsmen or pikemen is asking yourself for trouble. It's quite easy to fall off the horse, and you're not that great on the ground. Also, as your play style relies on being on horseback, you may be forced to invest large sums of Silver into it. As we know, in the Middle Ages, it was not about the skill, but the money. Sword-swinging or jousting prowess was not enough, to become a knight if you could afford neither the sword nor the horse.
Once you're on the ground or you're out of mounts, you're essentially an additional pikeman in your squad. Even the armor stacking extra effect on the Hurricane's Edge doesn't give you much-needed tankiness on the ground, and you still fall quite quickly. Your damage is unimpressive, especially compared to Poleaxe or Glaive. It is probably where Conqueror's Blade resembles the famous Mount and Blade the most. On horseback, you're god tier. On the ground, you're… meh. It is why the most important aspect of your gameplay as a spearman will be to avoid falling off the mount, avoiding crowd and heroes that can drop you, and utilizing the charge ability to its fullest.
Common Skills:
Overhead Strike - a sweeping strike from above the head, with a thrust later on if you press twice. Also, it has a chance to reduce the damage taken by the enemy for three seconds.
The Hurricane's Edge - a spinning attack that deals slash damage. Pressing twice causes your character to spin twice as well. The extra effect is a 2% armor bonus for each enemy hit, stacking up to 20%.
Return of Jangar - your character breaks the enemy's defense by hitting him with the butt end of the spear, decreasing his block value. Pressing twice at level 2 ability adds a thrust at the end. At level 3 of the skill, it adds a WWE-like dropkick with a knockdown.
Lugh's March - you're advancing with the spear, dealing piercing damage. With extra effects, you can regain consciousness, recover from stun, increase armor for every enemy hit, and slow the enemy down.
Gugnir's Greeting - it's a stabbing attack that deals piercing damage and ignores blocks. The extra effect is that it penetrates armor, increasing damage taken by 20%. At higher levels, it's spin and a jump, dealing slash damage, with extra effect of increasing armor for each enemy hit.
Procris Gift - you kick the spear forward, dealing piercing damage. Additional effects can pierce through multiple enemies, and allow you to recover from stun.
Paragon Skills:
Dragon's Roar - it's an attack that deals massive damage with an effect that makes enemies take more damage.
Heaven's Fury - this ability is a series of rapid thrusts, again, dealing considerable damage. The skill lets you recover from stun, and increases your armor.
Belongs to heavy, slow, hard-hitting classes, but it has the shortest reach of all of them, while it's not compensated with that much more damage. He has an advantage against the shield users, as his Dragon's Leap ability breaks the blocks. If you combo this ability with your troops' charge, you can negate the enemies' defensive capabilities. As for heroes, it'll work better against Longsword and Shield, because Shortsword may prove to be too mobile. Also, Nodachi's skills animations are somewhat clunky and slow, which allows the opponent to dodge the incoming attacks.
As Nodachi, you are able to deal terrific damage to the swarm of AI soldiers, and probably it is what you should play towards. Nodachi is unmatched in breaking through defensive formations, allowing his allies to rally forward.
Common Skills:
Fearless and Steadfast - slashes twice with the sword dealing slash damage. Also, it can recover the character from stun and unconsciousness.
Samurai's March - charges onto the enemies dealing slash damage. Pressing twice results in a second similar attack.
Bloodthirsty - your character is rushing forward with nodachi pointed out. It hits the first enemy met. Extra effects can recover you from stun, speed you up (if you manage to hit someone), and enhance your stun damage.
Monstrous Blade - you drain life from your enemy.
Tiger's Claw - the main damaging skill of the Nodachi class. Not only does it deal reliable damage, but it also restores HP.
Blood Oath - reduces all common skills cooldown, and increases your attack damage at higher levels.
Paragon Skills:
Avalanche - an ability dealing an immense amount of slash damage, and recovering you from stun.
Dragon's Leap - after charging for two seconds, you jump forward, making a decimating attack, breaking through shield blocks.
Shortsword & Shield
This class is dealing less damage than it's longsword counterpart, but it's way more mobile, making it a somewhat dueling class. With higher mobility, you have more outplay potential. The downside is the inability to rip through enemy AI soldiers with ease of Longsword or Poleaxe due to the lack of reach. When charging into the
With knockbacks, knockdowns, and stuns all over his kit, he works great in a hero vs. hero scenario. You will be surprised how many of your allies will you save rushing around the battlefield and kicking enemies.
Shortsword is also outstanding in terms of playing around your AI subordinates. His charge synergizes well with troops charge, and using it towards your advantage can be really beneficial. With Ironsides and Thunderstruck, you are deceptively tanky while still dishing out considerable damage. However, it's the crowd control abilities that are the deadliest in his kit. Learn to use them, and you'll become a hero slayer one day.
Shield Bash - pretty self-explanatory. You hit your foes twice with your shield. Pressing twice adds a heavy attack to it. Pressing three times adds a sword to it.
Barricade - again, you hit your enemies with a shield, reducing the enemy block value and attacks strength. Pressing twice, makes you use the shield in a frontal attack.
Shielded Charge - one of the most useful of your Shortsword pal abilities. You raise your shield and rush forward. This skill can have four extra effects; it can knock enemies down, make you slam the ground after the knockdown, add a downstroke with a sword, and increase your defense during the charge.
Kick - the first press is a straight kick, pressing twice adds a roundhouse kick, and third pressing finishes the combo with a flying kick that knocks the enemies down.
Ironsides - an excellent ability to use after charging in. It deals little damage while removing stun and unconsciousness. For the next eight seconds, you are immune to blunt damage, you take 80% less damage, but your own damage output is lowered.
Throw Shield - your personal Captain America ability. It deals blunt damage when thrown and when returning, additional slowing the enemies down. Combined with a shield charge, it's a great chasing tool.
Paragon Skills:
Centurion's Battle Drill - you head into the fray, dealing slash damage.
Thunderstruck - an iconic Shortsword skill. Your character jumps forward, slamming the ground Hulk-style, dealing AoE damage. It has a chance for enemies to be sent flying, and at the max level, it reduces incoming damage for a short period.
This weapon class has significantly less DPS than the similar Poleaxe and less durability, but more range and mobility. It does better on horseback, too.
Arc of Steele is a staple ability that you will be spamming once it's off cooldown, and there are enough enemies to slash. Not only does it deal an impressive AoE damage, but it also grants you the immunity to crowd control. With that being said, we can see that Glaive wielder can be pretty unstoppable.
The key to playing the Glaive character is to learn your skills animations and apply them on the battlefield. As you will see, with Glaive, you will be stuck in animations for quite a bit of time, making it easy to dodge, especially for the likes of Shortsword or Longbow. In general, you shouldn't expect your enemies to man up and facetank your skills. It is why you ought to go for it once you're confident that it will land, for example, if the enemy just fell off of a horse or is under a stun or knockdown. It makes your Warlord's Greeting ability even more important, as it knocks enemies down at the end, giving you enough time to squeeze in other skills. You have an additional ability on horseback, which is a two-slash skill. With that, you can pretty much rip through the enemy backline.
The most significant disadvantage of this class is long cooldowns. Mainly, you go in, blow your cooldowns, left-click a couple of times, and disengage. Then you wait for the cooldowns to be back, and you go in once again. Rinse and repeat.
What more could you possibly want than to have immense damage, decent mobility, durability, mount potential, and recovery from crowd control?
Passive Skill
Combat Skill - each time you strike an enemy, you gain one fighting spirit and combat skill increase. Once the fighting spirit reaches a certain threshold, your combat skill is increased.
Common Skills:
Arc of Steel - Your character spins twice and then slashes down. Each strike is dealing the same amount of damage.
Heat of Battle - the ability gives you an immunity to stun and also recovers you from it.
Warlord's Greeting - swings your weapon twice, dealing slashing damage to enemies in front of you. Special effects are stun and a 1-second knockout.
Breaker of Shields - quite self-explanatory. Your character bumps the enemy with a butt end, reducing his block. It works great against shields. Pressing twice deals increased damage. The extra effect is stun recovery.
God of Battles - your roar gives you a buff to attack.
Charge - well, you charge. Pressing the button twice deals additional damage at higher ability ranks. Pressing three times deals even more DPS. Many players skip over it in favor of the Warlord's Greeting, which is also something of a charge but provides more damage and utility.
Paragon Skills:
Flying Reaper - your character jumps and spins dealing massive AoE damage, knocking them down. You also have a chance to increase the damage they take.
Hail of Blades - a series of strikes with its usage recovering you from a stun. Great ability offering tons of Area of Effect damage, but it's also relatively easy to intercept. You need to be aware of the battlefield not to get hit by a stun or a knockback, as it will cancel the ability.
Medium damage, medium fire rate, decent range. You don't have a marker, so it requires way more practice than the Musket. A great choice for people who want to play ranged, but they don't know which one to choose. You can't go wrong with this one.
The longbow is not meant for killing troops, but it's outstanding at killing warlords. If you kill a hero, the soldiers go away as well. Of course, nothing is holding you back from sniping enemy NPC archers, but you should instead do it in the downtime between turning the enemy heroes into porcupines. The Archer lacks splash damage, so if you want to rush into enemy hordes and kill twenty AI opponents with a single swipe, then it's not a class for you. Also, it's not the tankiest. If you find yourself in a sticky situation, you will die rather quickly. Although, if you allow these sticky situations to come upon you, then you shouldn't play the class.
Typically for an archer, you will stand behind and reign hell from afar. What's good is that you have a decent vision of your surroundings and what's happening on the battlefield. The downside is that you will be the primary focus of your enemies, mostly the Dual Blades. There is a little more tactics, thinking, and planning to this class, as in the close-quarter combat, you have low chances of succeeding.
The biggest threat that you can't do much about is the Dual Blades, assassin-type players. They will sneak on you and eliminate you right away. Your only saving grace can be another hero nearby that will protect you, or the enemy making a mechanical mistake.
Rain of Arrows - you shoot a volley of a few arrows, each dealing damage.
Sharp Exit - your character jumps back, recovering from a stun. At a higher level of the skill, you can jump multiple times. It shares a cooldown with Light-footed.
Flaming Arrow - great ability to dismount enemy heroes. The fire arrow deals its base damage, as well as damage over time.
Marksman - gives you a buff to armor-piercing.
Bodkin-tipped - you shoot a piercing arrow, that decreases target's defense and reduces its block value at higher ranks.
Light-footed - your character jumps backward, recovering from stun. At levels 2 and 3 of this ability, you can use it even during a stun with a buff to your movement speed.
Paragon Skills:
Lightning Bolt - a powerful shot that makes your arrow pierce through enemies and crush blocks, very effective against all kinds of shields. It stuns all targets on its way on top of that.
Exploding Arrow - a great ability as well, but not as great as the Lightning Bolt. It fires an AoE exploding arrow, dealing massive damage, but as an Archer, you don't really want to kill troops. You should aim for heroes instead.
If you are a long-time Archer, and you're sick of being jumped on and one-shot, the Musket may be the class for you. His Scattershot ability combined with Five Rounds Rapid ultimate is what should make enemies think twice before approaching. Close-quarter combat is also not an option every time, as you can sweep the enemy hero, knock him down, and somersault two miles away to shoot him in the face right after. You have a closer range than the Long bow, but you deal more damage. Just like his arrow counterpart, Musketeer is excellent at killing enemy heroes. It is also the reason why he will be a primary target for the enemies. Any melee class, except for the Dual Blade, has to rip through the AI soldiers first. Meanwhile, ranged warlords can shoot hostile heroes from afar. This slight difference makes ranged classes the greatest hero threat of all.
With that being said, if reaping through multiple foes and padding your kill score is not your thing, and you're aiming more towards the endgame battles, you need a hero-killing class. The Musket will definitely do.
Scattershot - you fire pellets that deal a colossal damage close range; not that good from afar.
Fine Gunpowder - increases your damage, and quickens the reload.
Liquid Fire - a Molotov cocktail ability. Your character throws a grenade that causes a fire burn. The explosion deals blunt damage, and the fire deals damage over time. The target burns for three seconds and the fear is implied.
Close Combat - a sweeping leg-strike, knocking the enemy down, and recovering your character from a stun.
Skirmisher - a jump backward. Additional effects are recovering from unconsciousness, removing stun lock, and leaving caltrops in your original position, which is slowing the enemies down.
Deploy Calthrops - you throw caltrops onto the ground that are slowing your foes. At a higher level of ability, it applies bleed damage and enlarges the effect radius.
Paragon Skills:
Five Rounds Rapid - just as the name says. You load up your gun and fire five times in quick succession, with an extra effect recovering you from a stun.
Blackpowder Grenade - you throw a grenade with tremendous power capable of knocking the enemies down. Good AoE damage to kill AI troops, but since it's not really your purpose, you will not have much use for it.
Female only - Short bow
In the Short bow gameplay, as opposed to the longbow, you have lower damage, but higher fire rate. It's far less accurate in long distances.
As for the ultimate, Angry Hornets will be your go-to when you're aiming to eliminate AI soldiers, while Wrath of the Artemis is more single-target damage focused. Since, most of the time, you don't want to kill the enemy NPC troops, and you want to focus on killing heroes exclusively, you should go for the second one.
Quite frankly, we see the Short bow as a DoT, Area of Effect alternative for the Long bow, which in the realm of Conqueror's Blade is suboptimal. Sure, wiping whole regiments of infantry with one swing of heavy poleaxe or dropping dozens of poisonous arrows on their heads is heart-warming, but useless in the long run. After all, it's heroes that matter the most. No hero - no troops, just as we mentioned. Actually, the only thing that Short bow has over its long counterpart is less clicking.
Common Skills:
Poison Arrow - initially, the ability deals regular piercing damage, but it has an extra effect of DoT poison.
Stunning Shot - you shoot an arrow that has a blunt tip, which outside of regular damage, also slows and stuns the enemy.
Steel-tipped Arrow - this one is a heavy armor-piercing shot that ignores blocks, being able to impale even two enemies.
Parting Shot - your character jumps backward and shoots three arrows fast. Additionally, at higher ranks, the ability slows the enemy down and increases the attack damage—a great kiting tool.
Throw Bola - this ability snares foes dealing massive blunt damage. In addition to it, it dismounts the enemy.
Rolling Escape - another repositioning ability. Removes stuns and freezes, enhancing your movement speed.
Paragon skills:
Angry Hornets - your character shoots a bunch of arrows, that will have extra poison damage over time effect.
Wrath of Artemis - after a charge, you release five arrows in the same direction with empowered accuracy and velocity.
Female only - Dual-Blade
It is the class we commonly know from all the other games as the assassin. Go in, eliminate, go out. Whoever played Rogue in World of Warcraft, Spy in Team Fortress, or classes straight-up named "Assassin," will find the Dual Blade weapon class extraordinarily useful.
In the early game, when nothing really matters, you can play whatever to learn basic tactics, mechanics, aiming with abilities, commanding your troops, and so on. As you're unfamiliar with the game, you will probably receive a hefty whopping, but with the time you'll manage. It's crucial because, with the only stealth-going class, you will fail a lot mechanically. The Dual-blade is a no brainer class that you're swinging a mile-long flagpost with a blade, killing whole troops in a single blow like TheLegend27. In the heat of the battle, it's easy to miss some key abilities. As a Dual-blade, you have the potential to eliminate the enemy hero in one combo and escape, but you have to be deadly precise.
Passive Skills:
Ambush - attacking from an ambush guarantees a critical hit.
Common Skills:
Butterfly - you attack twice in a spin inflicting a bleed effect. Pressing twice repeats the move.
Skylark - your character stabs upwards, jumps, and spins in the air. Enemies around are losing HP every second over the duration, being unable to block this attack.
Infiltrator - it's your bread and butter on this class. You enter the stealth mode until you use an ability or attack somebody. The extra effect is a movement speed buff.
Bo-Shurikens - you throw a dart that is poisonous at higher levels, and at rank 3, it slows the enemy.
Great Thunderbolt - it's an ability that can get multiple heroes killed in a matter of seconds. It's an AoE stun that at max rank increases the damage that your enemy takes by 20%. If coordinated, it can be game-changing.
Alchemical Vapours - you roll backward entering stealth mode and throwing a smoke grenade. Your movement is increased by 40%, and you recover from stuns and unconsciousness.
Paragon Skills:
Marked for Death - you hit the enemy with immense power, dealing massive single-target damage. Combined with the passive and stun grenade, it pretty much one-shots every medium and light armor.
The Dance of Death - It's a whirling ability dealing AoE damage. It slows the enemy hit by 90% and recovers you from a stun. Also, if you manage to stun lock the enemy before casting this skill, he will be staggered and unable to retaliate, whereas if you go straight for the ultimate, you may receive some damage.
Which weapon class should I pick in Conqueror's Blade?
We all here gamers have preferences for the classes, play styles, and strategies no matter the game we play. Some of us go for the heavy plate armor juggernaut that takes a whole army to take down. Some prefer shooting arrows from afar. Others like spells, spawns, fire, and ice, slowing enemies and dropping molten on their heads. And there are people who thrive when going stealth and sneaky to stab someone in the back or cut their throat suddenly.
You will not find a whole lot of magic in medieval because if you did, you might have gotten burnt on the stake, but still, Conqueror's Blade has something to offer.
We are well aware of a player's mentality. The class division that has established in the MMORPG genre - Tank, DPS, Support - is not a coincidence. Some players want to smash everything - mobs, bosses, other players. They choose the class that's hitting the hardest, and never looks back.
In Conqueror's Blade, it's not that simple. The peeling potential is lower, as battles are mainly PvP, and gathering the AI soldiers' focus is not a good idea. Focusing on healing will not keep your allies alive. There are no taunting mechanics, that would help to focus aggro onto one character, while others are doing their best to keep them alive, and wipe away the NPCs. It's more of a warlord vs. warlord.
Conqueror's Blade offers us a few classes that we'll briefly talk about regarding players' preferences and recommendations:
- Dual-blade - the only assassin-type class destined for people who prefer to get in, kill, and get out,
- Glaive - decent, all-rounded class that should do fine against both AI and heroes. The right choice for someone who doesn't know what they want,
- Long bow - great range and precise single-target damage, outstanding hero-killing potential; able to kite enemies pretty well, but with proper positioning it should not be necessary,
- Longsword and Shield - it is the quasi-support class in Conqueror's Blade. Longsword has some CC, a punch, and the best group heal of all weapon classes,
- Musket - ranged DPS class, excellent at taking down heroes, but not as good at it as the Long bow. Has the moderate potential to kill NPCs,
- Nodachi - we would recommend this class for Far East fans. All who like the samurai culture, Japanese vibes, and stuff will find what they're looking for. In terms of gameplay and utility, this class is nothing above-average though,
- Poleaxe - the slowest class with the biggest punch. If tearing through NPCs is your deal, then this is the class for you. Not very good against heroes, though,
- Short bow - we recommend this class for people who simply like playing female characters, as Short bow is rather mediocre in both killing troops and heroes,
- Shortsword and Shield - it is the class for people who prioritize winning. Shortsword does well against heroes, and with his super crowd control he can protect allies well,
- Spear - recommended for all of you who prefer to fight on horseback, instead of pummeling the enemies on the ground. Spear has the highest DPS potential while using the mount, but outside of that, it's underwhelming in most points.
One knows nothing of fun who never blown up an entire pikemen regiment with a cannon, who never pierced through a poor archer with a ballista, who never had a pleasure to smash someone's head with a colossal poleaxe. We could list these things forever and ever, but the conclusion is simple - Conqueror's Blade is fun. No one has rights reserved for it, which is why the game is available for free, and you don't have to pay a penny to play. But you can, if you please.
You have ten classes to choose from, ranging from swords, spear, through musket, to bows. We hope that with our guide you will find a class that's suitable for you.
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What are weapon classes in Conqueror's Blade?
Weapon classes determine the weapon that your character wields and the playstyle that it uses in the game.
How many Conqueror's Blade classes are there?
There are ten classes in the game - Dual Blades, Long sword and Shield, Short sword and Shield, Long bow, Short bow, Glaive, Spear, Poleaxe, Musket, and Nodachi.
Which class is the best in Conqueror's Blade?
The thing with online games is that developers can't allow themselves to imply an overpowered class, because if they did, it would result in every player picking it, which would break the game. The developers don't want their game broken.
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